Duncan Park Memorials
World War II
Abernathy Leonard E.
Alexander Arthur J.
Alexander William H.
Allen Lewis M.
Allison Defoie
Allison John H.
Anderson David B., Jr.
Anderson George C., Jr.
Anderson Thomas M., Jr.
Ayers George Glenn (George C. on the Monument)
Bailey James D.
Ballard Robert F.
Ballenger Carrol E.
Barrett Broadus L.
Barry James R.
Bearden John R.
Beatty Morris J.
Belcher Carroll E.
Bell Perry T.
Belue George E.
Betsill Benjamin B., Jr.
Betsill William R.
Biggerstaff Cliford (Clifford on Roster)
Bingham Albert R.
Birch Fred E.
Bishop Horace Henry
Bishop Marvin L.
Bishop Roy Volney
Boone Ruel Kenneth
Boyter Joe T.
Bradley Richard M.
Bradley Willie Clyde
Brady Harold V.
Bragg Alvin D.
Brannon William Claude
Bridges Curtis C.
Brown John R.
Brown John W.
Brown Lee E.
Brown Walter O.
Brown William B.
Bruce Ellis P.
Bryant Hugh E.
Burleyson Albert L.
Butler John W.
Byars Zachariah T.
Byers Volney L.
Campbell Truman A.
Campbell Vernon C.
Campbell Wilbert
Cannon Charles R.
Cannon John Thomas
Cantrell Charles Jack
Cantrell Lawrence H., Jr.
Carr Thomas V.
Carson Marion D.
Carter John W., Jr.
Case Lewis B., Jr.
Casey Billy Preston
Casey John D.
Chapman James A.
Chumley John P., Jr.
Clayton Fred A.
Clement Hubert P.
Coates James Oliver
Cobb Joe R.
Cogdill Carl V.
Cogdill Charles N.
Cole Wendell E.
Collins Quentin R.
Collins William Glenn
Cook Claude H.
Cooke James W.
Cooksey Herbert D.
Cooksey James C.
Cordell Benajah W.
Corn Wilford J.
Corpening Robert C.
Correll Robert L.
Cox James L.
Cox Lee R.
Crawford Monte L.
Crocker Clarence W.
Crook Martin, Jr.
Crouse James Howard
Culbertson Abner C.
Dantzler Boyd F.
Davis Alvin F.
Davis George B.
Denton William B.
Dillard Lester C.
Dixson William G.
Dodd Wilford L
Drawdy Thomas R.
Duffer Paul Adams
Duncan James B., Jr. [found record for James B., Sr. in WWI]
Dunlap Grady M.
Edgins J. D.
Edmonds James A.
Edmonds James D.
Elder Herman
Elias Henry Paul
Emory Grady L.
Fain Kenny E. [JR?]
Fant Robert J.
Faust James A.
Ferguson Allen B.
Fine Everett R.
Floyd Bruce K.
Floyd James M.
Foster Benjamin F.
Foster Boyd P.
Foster Glenn E.
Fowler Fred M.
Fowler Thomas O.
Franks John H.
Freshour Frank
Gallman William Albert
Garner Lee W., Jr.
Garrett James F.
Garrison Holt I.
Gentry Landon M, Jr.
George Doyle B.
Gilbert Glaucson H.
Gilbert James H.
Gilliam Edward L.
Gilmore Claude W.
Glenn Lee J.
Glenn Raymond E.
Glover Robert L.
Goodale Hoyt T.
Goodwin Albert W.
Gosnell Bennie H.
Goss Olander
Gossett Dewey L.
Gossett Thomas H.
Gowan Fred H.
Gowan Thomas E.
Graham Odo G.
Green Everett G.
Greene Grantland C. J.
Greer Harold Lee
Gregory Lewis J.
Grizzle Willburn T.
Groce Lethco A.
Grubbs William T.
Guy Hillard R.
Hale Walter K., Jr.
Haley George L.
Hames Buford
Harper John P.
Harris Lester C., Jr.
Harris Rubert G.
Harvey Edward G.
Harvey Garland C.
Hatcher Alfred C.
Hayes Hilliard
Haynes Walter B.
Heath George L.
Heiliger Nelson F.
Hendley George A.
Hendrix Simeon L.
Henry Samuel M., Jr. [Jr. does not appear on Roster]
Higginbotham John W.
Hines James H.
Hodges Brian F.
Holtzclaw Kenneth L.
Hough Joseph S.
Howard William S.
Hudgins Floyd W.
Huggins Atlee L., Jr.
Huggins Iman H.
Hughes Harry L.
Hughes Leroy
Hutcherson Horace D.
Hyatt Lloyd G.
Israel Thomas Dean
Ivey Robert L.
Jennings James R., III
Jennings John B.
Johnson Alvin C.
Johnson Wallace A.
Johnson William Eric, Jr.
Jones Belton L.
Karr Deward D.
Keith Willie R.
Kelly Carl Fred
Kelly Henry B.
Kimbrell John R.
Knighton Belton E.
Koon Henry L.
Koon James Edwin
Koon Loren J.
Lamb Plato W.
Lamb Jennings G.
Lancaster William V.
Landers Harry M.
Lanford Lewis Ezelle
Lankford Paul J.
Lawrence Luther A.
Lawter Lewis B., Jr.
Layton Dennie W.
Lee Harry
Lee James M.
Leslie B. F.
Lewis Wayne Alman
Lindsay Edward
Littlejohn Jesse B.
Livingston Clarence E.
Lowe Cecil R.
Loyless John H., Jr.
Lybrand William F.
Mahaffey James R.
Mainer Grady H.
Mandanis George A.
Mason James H.
Mason Theodore Palmer
Matten Thomas C.
McAbee Felix
McCaden Isaiah
McCarter D. C.
McClure John M.
McCravey Boyce
McCuen (ABMC record has McCue) Grady H.
McDonald Paul E.
McDougald Robert H.
McKee James F.
McSwain William E.
Metcalf Ulus E.
Millwood Vernard
Mitchell Walter Lloyd, Jr.
Mooneyham Carl R.
Moore Harold E.
Moore Joseph H. (Joe ?)
Moore Loran W., Jr.
Moorman James R.
Morgan Leroy M.
Morris James H.
Morris Leroy
Moseley James O.
Mullinax Thomas Richard
Nanney Fred J., Jr.
Nelms Troy E.
Newton John W., Jr.
Oakman Michael Clarence (Michael O. in newspaper
Oshields (O'Shields on record) Theodore B.
Owens Leroy
Owens Robert Allen
Owens Paul E.
Parham James T.
Parks George E.
Parks Smith M.
Parris William E.
Parrish John R.
Parrott Maxwell F.
Payne Louie C.
Pearson William Y.
Petrie Roy W.
Petty Charles W.
Petty Osier B.
Poole Edgar O.
Poole James M.
Powell Gene Scruggs
Price Claud W. [Claude? - no "e" on roster]
Price Robert Lee
Pridmore Samuel Ben, Jr.
Primrose William E.
Pritchard Clyde C.
Pruitt Paul G.
Puckett Donald T.
Raines Loyd J.
Rakestraw William D.
Randolph Ward
Ray Stowe W.
Reid Algie Durham
Reid Elgin J.
Richards Thomas F.
Rickman Charles A.
Riddle James
Robbins Belton A.
Robinson Henry W., Jr.
Robinson James W.
Robinson Leland Vinson
Roddy James Frank
Rose Gordon L.
Ross Charles A.
Rudisail Charles A.
Sams Olan C.
Sanders John W.
Sanford Lebo
Satterfield James L.
Saunders John E.
Scuffos Harry, Jr.
Sellers James A.
Sellers [Sellars on Roster] John C.
Shands James
Shaw Franklin M. (Franklin H. on burial records)
Sheehan John T.
Shirley Harvey L.
Shropshire Louis Howard
Simmons A. Q. C.
Simmons Ralph C.
Sims Lawrence Knight
Sitton Horace A.
Skinner William E.
Sloan Marvin E.
Smith Charles Byrd, Jr.
Smith George L.
Smith James O.
Smith Thomas W.
Smith William F.
Solesbee Grover L.
Speake John W.
Spearman Herbert Dean
Sproles Quinton E.
Steading Troy B., Sr.
Stedman Oscar C., Jr.
Stevens Joseph C.
Stewart Truman C., Jr.
Stimson David
Stone Boyce V.
Stroud Nesbit V.
Styles Ralph J.
Sullivan Royce D. [Roster has "Boyce"
Sumner Bernard Duvall
Sumner Marion R.
Suttles Don O.
Suttles Homer W.
Swofford Woodrow W.
Tabor Howard
Taylor Claude
Taylor James T.
Taylor Loyd
Tessneer Lewis
Tezza Guide J., Jr.
Thomas Rueben L. (spelled Reuben on Roster)
Thomas Warren R.
Thompson Leonard T.
Thompson William Forney
Tollison Verlyn C.
Tucker Donald O.
Tucker Harmon B.
Tucker Homer W.
Turner Augustus B. (D. on Roster)
Turner Frank A.
Turner Frank D.
Vassey Ralph
Vaugh (listed as Vaughn in newspaper) Alfred D.
Ve Haun (Roster has Vehaun) John Robert (Jr. on Roster)
Vehorn James B.
Vernon Frank Leslie
Waldrep Preston M., Jr.
Waldrop Ralph A.
Waldrop William P.
Walker Amos Lee
Wall Walter
Ward Joe T.
Warner John C.
Warren Herman G.
Warren Willie L.
Watkins Harry P.
Watkins Thomas C.
Watson Lawrence F., Jr. (No "Jr." on burial records)
Watson Lawrence F. , Jr. [believe this is the one on the memorial]
Watson William T.
Webber Gerald H.
Wents (Wentz on burial record; Wents on Roster) Harry P.
West Boyce P.
Whetstine Willard
Whitaker Clyde, Jr. (Sr. on roster)
Whitby James W.
White Vernon Russell (Veron on burial records)
Whitlock William W.
Whorton William D.
Wilkerson James A.
Wilkins Robert L
Willard Tommy H., Jr.
Willauer W. R., Jr.
Williams Claude M.
Williams Fred L.
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